Production Federation

We stipulate the requirements to become a member organization in “Guidelines Governing the GakuNin Academic Access”. Please refer to the document and check whether your organization meets the requirements.

Operating Policies for GakuNin Participants

(Revised on October 17, 2013)

System Administration Standards for the GakuNin


IdP and SP that meet the requirements stipulated by the Federation are able to join the Production Federation, which offers interconnection at the production level.

  1. Please complete necessary information on the application form for deploying an IdP/SP, and email the Excel file application form together with IdP/SP metadata that you intend to register to NII. Please also post the signed form to GakuNin Office. 


    IdP Application Form [Form 3-1]

    SP Application Form [Form 4-1]


    Please email the Excel file and metadata to:
    GakuNin Office, National Institute of Informatics    


    Please post the signed form to:  

    GakuNin Office, National Insittute of Informatics

    2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8430 JAPAN

    TEL: +81-3-4212-2218 

  2. The completion of the application procedure

    The application procedure is completed when the membership application form is accepted. By this point, the metadata registration to the Production Federation is completed. The names of the organizations and service name joined to the Production Federation will be published on ‘Participants’ on our web site